An Easter Egg!

An Easter Egg!

EGG-Celent news!*

1) Firstly, the shop will be doing a GRAND-REOPENING on the 1st of March, we are ahead of schedule** and can't wait to get the site up and running. We are using some new, fancy behind the scenes gubbins, which should help us run a more efficient small, 80's theme wargaming model company. Jamie had to sell his 3rd favourite racehorse to pay for it, so it better be good. 

2) "But what about the loyal OSM fans who have acquired loyalty points?" I hear you cry! Have no fear! The old site will be open for JUST TWO WEEKS- 1st Feb to the 14th, so you can spend any loyalty points. These will NOT be carried over onto the new site, so spend 'em if you got em! 

3) GNOMES ARE GETTING CHEAPER!  Due to public outcry about the cost of living crisis, and after extensive talks with Downing Street, we are doing out bit to help ease the stress on families by reducing the price of retro style gnome wargaming miniatures. 
"Basically, they are pretty small and don't take up much metal." Said Old School Miniatures' Jamie.  

4) Yet another dragon! In case you missed the big photo in this post, we will be releasing another amazing dragon miniature. Guarding a clutch of eggs from some sneaky Dwarf egg-thief. Sure it's risking life and limb, but WHAT AN OMLET!  

*Jamie said I could have one egg based pun, so I'm picking this one.
** Famous last words....